Jeremy Thake talks to Asif Rehmani, CEO of VisualSP, about how he helps customers get the best use out of all the Office 365 applications. Asif has been a trainer for over a decade and seen SharePoint evolve and become part of the larger Office 365 product.
Asif talks about:
- How the SharePoint end user has evolved since 2002
- What he sees in the customers he trains with adoption of services in Office 365
- What approaches work for his customers in adoption services
- Whether he thinks we even need SharePoint anymore
VisualSP In-Context help for SharePoint and Office 365
Learning SharePoint Online and Office 365 apps with training in the work environment shortens employee onboarding and…
Learning SharePoint Online and Office 365 apps with training in the work environment shortens employee onboarding and…
Insights On Improving Microsoft Adoption
SharePoint and Office 365 related insights from Just-in-Time Learning solutions provider
SharePoint and Office 365 related insights from Just-in-Time Learning solutions provider